B Roll

This film produced by the Atomic Energy Commission depicts recovery operations for the Sodium Reactor Experiment after it suffered a partial meltdown in July 1959. John Pace is seen throughout the film, notably at minutes: 21:23, 22:35 – 22:41, 24:03 – 24:12.

The full film (299 MB) can be downloaded here.

Photos of John Pace:

John Pace, Air Force, 1957

John Pace, Air Force, 1957

John Pace running reactor at Atomics International 1959

John Pace running reactor at Atomics International 1959

John Pace looking over the reactor core.

John Pace looking over the reactor core.

John Pace (left), on top of SRE reactor, during recovery operations after partial nuclear meltdown.

John Pace (left), on top of SRE reactor, during recovery operations after partial nuclear meltdown.

John Pace working on sodium pump that caused the meltdown.

John Pace working on sodium pump that caused the meltdown.