Archive | January 15, 2014

The SSFL Work Group is Back!

We are proud to announce the resumption of the SSFL Inter-Agency Work Group meetings! Please join us on Wednesday, February 5 to learn more about the nuclear and chemical contamination at the Santa Susana Field Lab (Rocketdyne) and efforts to clean it up.

Wednesday February 5, 6:30 pm
Simi Valley Cultural Arts Center
3050 E. Los Angeles Street
Simi Valley, CA  93065
(Click here for directions)

The meeting will include:

  • A Short Film About the 1959 partial nuclear meltdown
  • Other SSFL radioactive accidents and spills
  • Recent EPA study of radioactive contamination
  • Toxic chemical contamination from rocket testing
  • Status of carrying out Cleanup Agreements
  • Exceedances of pollution standards in water leaving the site
  • Compensation program for ill former workers & their families

We look forward to seeing you there! In addition, we encourage you to sign up for our mailing list, follow us on FaceBook, and visit this website again as we further develop it with more information about the Santa Susana Field Laboratory and efforts to clean it up.

Below is a flyer for the meeting, and a letter that from Congresswoman Julia Brownley and California State Senator Fran Pavley prepared to announce the Work Group’s resumption to people who had previously signed up for Work Group meeting notices.

