Please click on links to go to specific videos, or scroll through this page to view them all.
Video from February 13, 2020 Work Group Meeting
- PART 1: Candlelight vigil, lead by local activist and cancer mom Lauren Hammersley, honoring local children who have/are fighting cancer, welcome by Ventura County Supervisor Bob Huber, and a talk by local activist and cancer mom Melissa Bumstead.
- PART 2: Dan Hirsch, president of a nuclear watchdog group Committee to Bridge the Gap, presents an overview of the Santa Susana Field Lab and the cleanup crisis.
- PART 3: Local elected officials from every level of government state their commitment to support the full, promised SSFL cleanup.
- PART 4: Ventura County Supervisor Linda Parks has been advocating for the 100% cleanup of the Santa Susana Field Lab for 20 years.
- PART 5: California EPA Secretary Jared Blumenfeld joins the SSFL Work Group to explain his agency’s strategy and enforcement of the Administrative Order on Consent which requires that all detectable contamination be cleaned up.
Video from March 8, 2017 Work Group Meeting
- Pediatric Cancers Near the Santa Susana Field Laboratory
- Health Impact of SSFL Contaminants
- Analysis of Dept. of Energy’s Draft EIS for the SSFL Cleanup
- DTSC Response to DOE’s Draft EIS for the SSFL Cleanup
Video from March 16, 2016 Work Group Meeting
- Remembering EPA’s Gregg Dempsey
- Location of SSFL relative to the Brandeis-Bardin Institute, Runkle Canyon, and Simi Valley
- Potential Migration of SSFL Contamination to Runkle Canyon
- Potential Migration of SSFL Contamination to the Brandeis-Bardin Institute
- Action by Elected Officials Urging DTSC to Reject Boeing’s Proposals
- Analysis of Boeing’s SSFL Cancer Risk Estimates and Proposals for No Further Cleanup Action
Video from September 24, 2015 Work Group Meeting
- Community Members featured in NBC4 Investigation
- Questions and Answers with Community Members
- Boeing’s Cancer Risk Estimates and Cleanup Plans
Video from February 4, 2015 Work Group Meeting
- SSFL Overview Presentation by Teens Against Toxins
- Proposed Water Board Permit for Boeing at SSFL by Cindi Gortner
- Update on Boeing Building Demolition and Disposal by Denise Duffield
- The People’s Senate and DTSC Reform by Ingrid Brostrom
- Cleanup Myths & Realities by Dan Hirsch
Video from October 1, 2014 Work Group Meeting
- The 1959 Meltdown – What Really Happened? Part 1 – John Pace presentation
- The 1959 Meltdown – What Really Happened? Part 2 – Panel Discussion
- Will SSFL Ever Be Cleaned Up? Part 1 – Dan Hirsch presentation
- Will SSFL Ever Get Cleaned Up? Part 2 – Panel Discussion
Video from June 18, 2014 SSFL Work Group Meeting
- “Potential Offsite Exposure to Offsite Contaminants from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory“, a multi-year study funded by the federal Agency for Toxic Substances Disease Registry.
- Health Effects of Perchlorate, Dioxin, and Lead
- Fines for Violations of Pollution Laws at SSFL – Discharges of Contaminants into Offsite Areas
- Interim Source Removal Action at SSFL – Did it Work?
- Pollution Limit Exceedances in Surface Water at SSFL and Perchlorate in Simi Valley Wells
- How Much of SSFL Would Be Cleaned Up if the Cleanup Agreements Were Not Followed?
- Update on DOE and NASA cleanup agreements for SSFL
Video from February 5, 2014 SSFL Work Group Meeting
- History Channel segment on SSFL
- Overview Presentation on the Santa Susana Field Laboratory – history and contamination
- US EPA Presentation on Radiological Survey of Santa Susana Field Laboratory
- Radiation and Health
- DOE Worker Compensation Program
- Understanding the Agreements on Consent to Clean Up the Santa Susana Field Laboratory
- Agency Statements on Compliance with SSFL Cleanup Agreements
- SSFL Building Demolition and Debris Disposal
- Questions and Answers – SSFL Work Group – February 5, 2014
Video from the February 13, 2020 SSFL Work Group Meeting
PART 1: Candlelight vigil, lead by local activist and cancer mom Lauren Hammersley, honoring local children who have/are fighting cancer, welcome by Ventura County Supervisor Bob Huber, and a talk by local activist and cancer mom Melissa Bumstead.
PART 2: Dan Hirsch, president of a nuclear watchdog group Committee to Bridge the Gap, presents an overview of the Santa Susana Field Lab and the cleanup crisis.
PART 3:Local elected officials from every level of government state their commitment to support the full, promised SSFL cleanup.
PART 4: Ventura County Supervisor Linda Parks has been advocating for the 100% cleanup of the Santa Susana Field Lab for 20 years.
PART 5: California EPA Secretary Jared Blumenfeld joins the SSFL Work Group to explain his agency’s strategy and enforcement of the Administrative Order on Consent which requires that all detectable contamination be cleaned up.
Video from the March 8, 2017 SSFL Work Group Meeting
Pediatric Cancers Near the Santa Susana Field Laboratory
Health Impact of SSFL Contaminants
Analysis of the Dept. of Energy’s Draft EIS for the SSFL Cleanup
DTSC Response to DOE’s Draft EIS for the SSFL Cleanup
Video from the March 16, 2016 SSFL Work Group Meeting
Remembering EPA’s Gregg Dempsey
Location of SSFL relative to the Brandeis-Bardin Institute, Runkle Canyon, and Simi Valley
Potential Migration of SSFL Contamination to Runkle Canyon
Potential Migration of SSFL Contamination to the Brandeis-Bardin Institute
Action by Elected Officials Urging DTSC to Reject Boeing’s Proposals
Analysis of Boeing’s SSFL Cancer Risk Estimates and Proposals for No Further Cleanup Action
Video from the September 24, 2015 Work Group Meeting
Video from February 4, 2015 SSFL Work Group Meeting
Video from October 1, 2014 SSFL Work Group Meeting
Video from June 18, 2014 SSFL Work Group Meeting