At this March 8, 2017 meeting, Melissa Bumstead, West Hills resident, presented on pediatric cancers near SSFL and a new parents’ movement fighting for full cleanup. Bob Dodge MD presented on the health impacts of SSFL contamination. Dan Hirsch, Director of the Program on Nuclear and Environmental Policy at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) and President of Committee to Bridge the Gap, presented on the Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) agreement that DOE signed to clean up all contamination at SSFL, and how the DOE’s proposals violate it. Mohsen Nazemi, Deputy Director, Brownsfields and Environmental Restoration, Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) presented on DTSC’s Response to DOE’s EIS for the SSFL Cleanup.
Pediatric Cancers Near the Santa Susana Field Laboratory
Health Impact of SSFL Contaminants
Analysis of the Dept. of Energy’s Draft EIS for the SSFL Cleanup
DTSC Response to DOE’s Draft EIS for the SSFL Cleanup